i can't wrap my mind around it

sorry for the hiatus. my father was just diagnosed with cancer and my world has been flipped upside down. i will be back soon. please have him in your thoughts


Wish my shop could stay like this forever!!!!!

46 knucklehead, 56 Pannhead, 68 Shovelhead, 78 Shovelhead.........

i wanna live on a heart shaped island...

click HERE to see more heart shaped moments in nature :)

thanks to Duyen of werdonthesidewalk

wrinkled sheets

so sexy...

i am now with power but no internet, so i am at my local barnes and noble.
thank you all for the contributions... my plan was to do a giant post, but due to the recent craziness in my life i haven't gotten to it. i am getting all your emails and love your contributions! they will all be posted in time. thank you :)

Me and the boys in Chino on the way to David Mann and the ride back

2 Knucks and 2 Pans couldn't of asked for a better weekend.

please check here...

i wish the power was here, lol.
still no power :/ soooo we're staying at my uncle's. thanks for the kind comments!


to my lovely readers...

sorry for the hiatus. i don't know if you have all heard about the crazy ice storm in the northeast...it was pretty bad and we still don't have power. we haven't had power since thursday night :( so i drove out to my boyfriend's fathers house for heat, a much needed shower and to let you all know what's up. hope to be back up and running soon. miss you all.
i leave you with a lovely pic...

Thank you MIMI!

i'll meet you there


thank you gloria!