I wore this outfit to a special screening of a movie last week. It's always exciting to go to those things. It was a rough cut of a movie Keanu Reeves is in, along with Vera Farmiga and James Caan. It's in post production so there's some still some sound editing that needs to be figured out {too loud at parts, transitions, etc.} The highlight was definitely seeing Keanu since I used to have such a crush on him from his Speed and Matrix days. It was the only plus of seeing boy movies with my brother!

top and shorts Urban Outfitters, clutch DSW, shoes Michael Kors via ebay
I got this top awhile ago from Urban and I love the detail on top. It has a similar detail on the bottom but I think it's too short so I always tuck it into skirts or shorts. The polka dot shorts I got recently at Urban's huge sale for only $10. I thought they'd be pretty for summer and I love how the cut makes them look like they could be a skirt! These shoes were a lucky find in ebay. Someone was seeing them for under $50 o.b.o. but I talked them down since one shoe was a half size bigger than the other. It just worked out perfectly because my left foot is slightly bigger! Do any of you have odd sized feet? Normally it's not a problem and I just make it work but my feet are extremely happy to be properly sized in these ones!

P.S. Make sure to enter my giveaway for the Perricone MD Summer Survival Kit!!
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