24/52: a year of little resolutions

My little resolution this past week was to plan out my menus for the week on Saturday or Sunday. I found that doing this Saturday morning was the most helpful. I woke up, went through my cookbooks and planned meals for each day. Then, I went through the recipes and made a grocery list based on items we needed but didn't currently have in the kitchen. Then, on Sunday Matthew and I went to the farmers market in the morning, got our fresh produce, and then in the afternoon we went to the store for any pantry-type items, like pasta, bread, spices, etc. By taking a half hour on Saturday planning, and then doing the shopping on Sunday, I ensured that the rest of the week was stress-free when it came to dinner. I knew what I was making well in advance and I also had everything I needed so there weren't any last minute runs to the store. I would definitely recommend doing something like this! It was also fun to include Matthew by asking what he was in the mood for. Most of the time he says it doesn't matter to him, but when he's in the mood for tacos or a certain pasta, I'll include it and it's something to look forward to!
For this next week, I want to go through my room at my parents and majorly clean it up. My brother is home for summer and might/probably will be moving into my room permanently, which yes I'll admit makes me a little sad-it's the room I had when I was a baby and then from 13 years on. :( I also want to donate a big bag of clothes to the local Goodwill. I've been meaning to go through the clothes I don't wear anymore, and it's about time since there's no use for them to just be hanging out while I'm not even around. It's my least favorite thing to do but it has to be done!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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